ok, ok, yeah i know i'm late, but cut me a break, i would have been blogging about this when it happened had i had a blog. let's be serious though people! that guy made me a hoagie once! HOLLA! that's like one degree of separation between me and Michelle! yeahhhya!
now to actually be serious, we were super lucky to have the lovely first lady, Michelle Obama, come to the new Fresh Grocer at our very own Progress Plaza on Temple's campus, back in February. Michelle's campaign called "Let's Move", focused on fighting childhood obesity brought her to the new super market because it's one that is being used as a model for the super markets that will be built with the $400 million dollar federal financing initiate to bring healthy foods into urban and rural areas deprived of fresh foods. if you're a temple student, you're sure to know about all the amazing fresh selections at Fresh Grocer. me and my roomie eat kiwis (side note: that word looks so weird pluralize... just saying) all the time! best of all, the federal initiative was modeled off an initiative that came out of PA: the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative, which financed the Progress Plaza Fresh Grocer. WE TREND SETTERS YALL!
it was a super exciting day for the North Philly community, 1. because now there's tasty healthy food, and 2. because Michelle is a style icon and she's doing big thangs for the kids of our nation!
getum, Michelle, in your cute blazer and belt combo! we love you!
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