i'm so sorry i have been such a bum lately, taking so much time off from blogging...
just let me explain:
1) schooling

its really not a good excuse. overused and not really even all that true considering i could blog while sitting in about half of classes (well actually only one, but thats if you're expecting me to be a perfect student... hahh) i have been really busy with a few projects, hopefully something that i'll be happy enough with to be able to share with you all in a few days... eeeek gotta go get busy on that. smh.
2) everything else
i.e. being way too social, being hyper active, etc, etc.
mostly, i think i've just been lazy. the life of a college student will really take it out of you without you even noticing until you wake up in the middle of the day from a nap that you don't remember taking. this summer, however, (now only 6 days away!!!) will still be hyper active, but in a way that personally, i see as actually adding to the betterment of my life. so get ready, hang on to your snapbacks, cause here we goooo!
"or, whatever" - edward gorey